Monday, October 06, 2008

This weeks desktop.


Hmm... Britney.


One more gripe about the Van Morrison gig.

They banned the sale of alcohol. The bar at the Symphony Hall was open for soft drinks only.

I hope that I do not have to get pissed to enjoy myself at a gig, certainly Jennifer doesn't have to, but to take away the choice of having a pint or two at the venue, before entering the auditorium? Bollocks to that! Too much like being at school. Too much like being treated like a naughty child.

Miserable, Christian sonafabitch. I hope his bread was stale, his water stagnant and that his hair shirt itched like hell.

Before the gig Jennifer and myself had a meal at the Mash House. Pie and mash. Food of the Gods. We also had a bottle of red. Nice.

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