Saturday, April 12, 2008

The deal was that I would see things, hear things, do things and that all of this would be reported faithfully on the blog, with only the names changed to protect the guilty and the innocent.

I know that lately I have not been very good in keeping my part of the deal. I am writing crap. Yes I am. I don't know what is going on. I am tired, I have no energy and I am disinterested.

It won't last forever. Bear with me. I was up at 6am today so that I could be washed, fed and the house tidied in preparation of the nice Virgin Media man coming to upgrade our service. We now have way too many fucking channels to choose from. There is such a thing as too much choice.

As for this evening, I really must go to bed. I need the sleep and a lie in tomorrow morning, as tomorrow evening I am going to Wolverhampton to see Portishead.

Note to myself. I must write at least a little about the John Barrowman gig, "El Orfanato" and "[REC]" next time.


Anonymous said...

The pace of your blogging is just fine with me, my friend.

Wondering, though, if I should update my blogroll and include this blog or if you prefer to stay under the radar? Let me know.

Jerry said...

I have no objections to that, if you want to.