Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I did write reviews of the Portishead and Fratellis gigs, but I have scrapped them because they were shit. (The quality of the reviews, that is. Not the gigs.) I will try again tomorrow. I will not be defeated, just delayed.

Anyway, there will be loads more time tomorrow evening. Jennifer is out at a meal that The Company are throwing the celebrate their success over the last year. I declined my invitation. As I explained to Jennifer, I would rather spend the evening plucking my arse hair with a pair of tweezers than be any part of the orgy of self congratulation and sucking up that the meal tomorrow night will turn into.

Jennifer has told people that I am just in an anti-social mood. Oh, yes.


Anonymous said...

I don't know which visual was worse, the arse hair plucking or the self-congratulating orgy.

Stef said...

Don't tell me you were at the Portishead gig at woolyhampton... I was there too! Arse!