Wednesday, August 27, 2008

There are some evenings when the frustration gets so acute that you just want to undress, wash, clean your teeth, go to your room (the front bedroom, which is my room, as opposed to the back bedroom, that used to be our room), grab your MP3 player and lie in the dark listening to music for hours on end to shut the world out.

That was last night. I don't think that Jennifer even knew I had gone to bed.

I turned my MP3 player off after listening to this song by the Seekers. It was my Gran's favourite song. It was played during her funeral service. I always find this song very emotional.

Yes. I will love my Gran until the day I die.

Today was a much better day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a day this week where I came home and went to bed almost immediately, too. Sorry to hear things are frustrating for you.