Sunday, March 16, 2008

I have all of the blogs I regularly read as feeds on Google Reader. Over this weekend it has shown very few new posts.

People have lives. That is good. I have not posted much myself. Have I (gulp!) got a life?

Friday evening I watched "Epic Movie" on cable. It is a howlingly, astoundingly bad and unfunny movie. An hour and a half of my life that I will never get back. I hope I don't regret it. I might need that hour and a half in the future. I must see "Meet The Spartans" when it gets released over here. According to IMDB it is 0.1 point worse than "Epic Movie", which I find very hard to believe.

Saturday morning I went to work, because Jennifer asked me to. Nothing much to report. I didn't complete a single thing that I wanted to complete, and so have nothing to show for the overtime. Managers will moan but, hey! fuck 'em.

Saturday afternoon I went to see my Mom to pick up Jennifer's presents, from my family, for her Birthday on the Monday after next. (24th March 2008. She will be 48, but don't say I said so.) I didn't stay long. The house was too hot and smoky and I was tired and feeling ill. The cold is hanging on.

Saturday evening I watched lots of television. I cannot remember any of what I watched except for "Love Soup". Very sly, brilliantly written, total genius in fact. Saturday's episode had a particularly melancholy denouement for anybody who watched the hour length episodes, a couple of years ago, and wondered what had happened to Gil Raymond.

Today I went to see "The Cottage" with my Brother. I will write about that tomorrow.

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