Thursday, March 20, 2008

You can see amazing things if you are in the right place at the right time.

Early this morning I was at the bus stop waiting for a bus. (As opposed to waiting for a camel, Jerry? Oh, do shut up Jerry!) From that particular bus stop you can all the way to the top of the hill. I am no good at judging distances, but it is a long way. So, I stood there. Bored. Gazing up the hill. Nobody around. No traffic. Then, suddenly, I spied a lone figure, in the middle of the road, heading in my direction. The figure was moving at some impossible speed. After 20/30 seconds I realised that it was a guy on roller skates. He was dressed like a Victorian gentleman and was wearing a top hat.

He got closer. He was moving fast. He was all over the road. He jumped around and skated forwards and backwards. When he finally drew level with me, he spun, lifted his hat, saluted me, swerved around the corner and was gone.

Jennifer thinks that I dozed off for a moment and imagined the whole thing. Or maybe a blood vessel burst in my brain and the backfiring synapses created a hallucination? But... No. It really happened.


... And with that I bid thee 'fair thee well'. We are off to London for a couple of days. Back on Sunday. If I happen to come across an Internet cafe, I may well post. Or I may not.

Have a great Easter and I hope that all of your eggs are nice ones.

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