Tuesday, March 11, 2008

So, yes, I have a cold. My throat feels as though I have been gargling broken glass. I have been drinking orange juice, eating lots of vegetables and fruit and other things ('You have to feed a cold, son' - Mom Cornelius) and sucking on lots of Lockets, Strepsils and Halls Mentholpytus sweets.

No effect, of course. But it is only day 2. These things take time.

Still, if my form is consistent, this cold will be gone before the Friday after next, which is when we go to London for a sqwark. Kevin Spacey, Jeff Goldblum and Laura Michelle Kelly in "Speed The Plow" await.

I had a story to tell. I will tell it on Thursday. Sleep is good.


Anonymous said...

You're forgetting the chicken soup. That's the key, I hear.

Jerry said...

Chicken soup?!*?!
