Saturday, March 08, 2008

I was sad to read yesterday about the death of Norman Smith.

Norman Smith was the engineer on all of the Beatles recordings made between 1962 and 1965. John Lennon called him 'Normal Norman'. After being promoted by EMI from engineer to producer, he signed the Pink Floyd and produced three of their early albums and the single "See Emily Play". In the 1970's he had a couple of chart hits under the name Hurricane Smith, including a US #1 with "Oh Babe What Would You Say?". John Lennon must have liked Norman a lot. He sent him a telegram of congratulations.

So, it has to be done.

John Lennon in his Dylan phase (I love this song),

the best of the early Pink Floyd singles (ditto),

and Hurricane Smith's biggest hit single (great stuff).


The week has been a bit of a marathon. Too many late nights, too many early mornings. Jennifer had the week off, so I have been de facto team leader. It has gone well enough, I suppose, but I could have done with a lie in today. I didn't get one because I managed to get talked into going into work today to finish some stuff off. Never again.

Too tired to do anything when I got home. I fell asleep in front of "Diamonds Are Forever". I did stay awake long enough to see Natalie Wood's sister Lana thrown, topless, from a Vegas hotel room window. Lana Wood played a character called Plenty O'Toole. She sure was.

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