Saturday, May 24, 2008

I am on the clock. I need to be in the kitchen pretty soon. The diva fest that is "I'd Do Anything" starts at 7pm, followed by the campfest that is the "Eurovision Song Contest" at 8pm. After that? Well who knows? I will probably go to bed. I was up at 6am.

So, a quick summary.

Last night: On TV "The Invisibles", "Midnight Man", "Lost" and then "Peep Show". (Amazingly enough, Tessa Wyatt popped up as Jeremy's Mom. Other than a few wrinkles she looked and sounded exactly the same as she did in the mid 70's. She is 60 this year. Horrifying confession to make, but (cough) I still would. Older ladies need love too, you know.)

Today: At work early this morning, then food shopping and then into town.

I have bought the first three James Bond novels ("Casino Royale", "Live And Let Die" and "Moonraker"). The whole original Bond canon has been republished in new, kind of beautiful pulp fiction style covers and I intend to get all of them. You know the kind of cover I am talking about? A square jawed hero being threatened by a deadly looking, dark eyed girl in a bikini, carrying a big gun. Sigh. I am a sucker for a deadly looking, dark eyed girl in a bikini carrying a big gun.

In fact a red mist of 'spend some money' descended on me suddenly, today. I will regret it when the credit card bill arrives. This evening I have purchased online "O Lucky Man", "Static" and series 3 of "The Sandbaggers", plus some books that Jennifer wanted ("Freedom's Choice", "Freedom's Challenge" and "Freedom's Ransom").

Gulp. Roll on the pay review.

I am off.

Is it just me, or does Andy Abraham's Eurovision song sound exactly like "Express Yourself" by Madonna?

Oh. It's just me. Oh, well..Doesn't matter.

Good luck Andy! (Even if you have no chance.)


Fuff said...
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Fuff said...

I'm afraid I think it's awful. The Greek entry is just as bad tho.

Mark said...

"Static"... what "Statis"? Not the 1986 Mark Romanek film? I've been looking for that for fucking decades..

Jerry said...

fuff: Which one was the Greek entry? (Has a listen.) Oh, that was OK, but I thought that the Ukraine should have won.

Mr. Planet: Yes, that's the one. Mark Romanek, Keith Gordon, Amanda Plummer. All about an invention that will change the world. An absolute classic.

You can get it on Region 1, but obviously you will need a multi-region player. I have ordered mine from DVD Pacific. They are a good site and very reliable.

Graham said...

try going into one of the larger Tesco's if you can (kidderminster/Redditch - probably not the one in Five Ways mind you) or looking at Tesco's online; all 14 Fleming novels in new paperback covers just like those sixites pulp ones, wrapped in a nice large box set - for £15. £15 for all 14 fleming books, rrp £97. Bit of a bargain!