Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bad luck Chelsea. You should have won. (Chelsea are Jennifer's team, but I was allowed to be an honorary supporter this evening as they were playing the great Satan, Manchester United.)

I read today that they (movie producers, that is - not Chelsea football club) are planning to remake "Highlander". I suppose it is a sign of getting old when movies you saw in your twenties are getting remade for an audience that have no interest in the original.

I wonder who will play the Scottish Egyptian?


Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Highlander remade by the Chelsea football club. Quality entertainment!

Anonymous said...

Not David Tennant. I like David, but he's no Highlander.



LB said...

we're not the great Satan either.

*still drunk*

Jerry said...

j: Drogba as the Kurgan. I could see that.

hen: Ewan McGregor would be magnificent, methinks.

lb: You sure about that, mate? (Ha, ha, ha!)