Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I have brand new shoes. I also have a brand new blister on the little toe on my left foot. Bloody painful. I have developed a Gregory House style limp. It suits me.

Jennifer is not sympathetic. She told me that I should have worn the shoes in before I started using them. I told her that I did wear them in. I wore the shoes for at least.... oooh... 2 hours on Sunday night, while I lay on the settee watching "8 1/2 Women". I even walked to the kitchen and back in them.

My own fault then. Of course.


Anonymous said...

Oooh, I feel your pain! I broke my toe this past weekend. Wearing my dress shoes to work has not been pleasant.

DragonZAR said...

Interesting koan: how do you wear in a shoe without wearing it?

Katyola said...

Did you wear socks?

Jerry said...

j: You broke your toe! Oooh, I feel your pain!

dragonzar: You don't.

katyola: I did wear socks. Holy socks, 'tis true, but socks nethertheless.

Katyola said...

Holy socks should heal your feet. Sorry, bad joke!