Thursday, July 10, 2008

I was talking to a customer today on the telephone. The quality of the line was bad. I didn't catch the lady's name first time, so I asked her for it again.

"Kayleigh", she said.

I said, "Oh, just like the Marillion song?"

There was an audible sigh. Real irritiation in that sigh. The irritation of having to respond again to the same comment/question.

"Yes. Just like the Marillion song."

Sorry, Kayleigh. I didn't mean to upset you. Blame your Mom and Dad. I bet they loved that song as much as they love you.

What's in a name, eh?


Threelight said...

Like being called Kylie.

Or like the two twins who were called over by their mother: "Luke! Leia!" (True story this one.

LB said...

Miserable cow. It could have been worse, she could have been called "Incommunicado"...