Jennifer has told me that she is thinking of getting me an iPod Classic for my Birthday. (My Birthday is at the end of August. I will look forward to getting a card.) Telling me has spoilt the surprise of the present, but Jennifer wanted to make sure that I do not have an irrational hatred of Apple and all it's infernal works. Apparently I have a lot of irrational hatred of things.
I don't mind getting an iPod Classic. My 20GB Creative Zen Sleek is nearly full.
Thoughts? Good choice? Bad choice? Do I embrace an iPod with open arms or do I shun it like the devil spunk that is cheese? I have just read an article here which scared the shit out of me. Maybe I should just ask for the next largest Creative machine, chickenshit that I am?
I suppose if I am in a selfish state of mine I could say 'Yes, please' and 'Thanks a lot!' as an iPod Classic would cost me nothing if received as a gift, and it would be no skin of my nose if it blew up. It would be Jennifer's problem.
Unless it takes my PC with it of course! Then I would have to hurt somebody.
Ooooh... Decisions, decisions.
Tickets have been purchased for "The Dark Knight" at the IMAX Cinema at the Think Tank on Sunday 10th August. I decided that two more weeks was all Jennifer and I would be prepared to wait. Hopefully the popcorn eating barbarians will have seen it by then.
Tickets have also been purchased for "The X-Files 2: Electric Boogaloo", sorry, "The X-Files: I Want To Believe" at the Electric Cinema next Sunday. Jennifer will also be attending this screening, no doubt to salivate over David Duchovny, a man whom she has described as "Such a very pretty boy" and "Just too beautiful to live". Hmm... Indeed.
We will probably both be nursing hangovers. Jennifer will be at a wedding in Coventry on Saturday night and I will be out on a sqwark with my Brother seeing Them Is Me. I am not concerned. I am sure that the sight of the lovely Gillian Anderson will be enough to ease my troubled brow.
Tired now. I will add links tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
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I am on the fence with whether to recommend iPods. I really resent having to send it in and pay a ridiculous service fee when the battery dies. Additionally, my iPod is currently refusing to play any of the Elbow albums that I bought off iTunes.
On the other hand, they are pretty slick...
No, get an Apple IPod. I've not looked back since I've got mine.
Even though they are a company that are intent on world domination (a la Microsoft), you can't deny it's a really great product.
However, I'm unlikely to say that if my beloved 80gb Classic decides to break down irretrieveably.
Yeah, I would accept the iPod, if for no other reason than the competitors are not as good. As for the X-Files, the movie is great and most importantly, Mulder and Scully look as good as ever. Also, no bee attacks in this one.
Noooo! Don't go over to the dark side!
I make that 2 yays, 1 nay and 1 dunno.
Inconclusive. Any other comments? Anyone.
I think it may be down to whether there are any decent closed headphones that can be used with an iPod Classic. I definitely do not like those in-the-ear headphones.
My 'no' (or noooo!) is motivated by self interest though. I'm scared that when my Creative finally sputters out there won't be any more, so I don't think it really counts as an impartial opinion.
beth: You have a Creative too? Ah... A lady of taste and distinction. (Sic? Dunno.)
I do.
I am.
I eventually caved in and got an iPod after trying everything but and to be honest, I wouldn't want to go back. Very nice bit of kit and iTunes is better than the crap that ships with most other mp3 planes.
Oh, and no, I'm not dead! ;-)
stef: Who are you again?
Hope you are well, mate!
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